Methods of Teaching Course 2024 - Sep/Oct (Final Payment)
Final Payment
8:30am - 4:00pm
September 29 - 30
October 13 -14
October 27 - 28
Comfort Suites
2450 Prospect Dr,
North Charleston, SC 29406
Points of Contact:
Debora Geigher: 843-818-8525
Shawonda Thomas: 843-453-7307
What to Bring to Class
- Milady’s Master Educator, 3rd Edition by Letha Barnes
- Notebook, Pens, Pencils and Highlighters
- 1 1/2 inch or 2 inch Binder
- Notebook Paper
- 10 Divider Tabs
***Please have course book prior to the start of class!
Refund Policy
By purchasing a seat in the Methods of Teaching course, I understand and agree to the conditions of the payment plan and the requirements of the class. Any money not paid by the due date(s) may cause you to be dropped from the class or signatures of paperwork will be held until balance is paid as well as the required hours (45). There is no refund of money unless the class is cancelled. The class maybe cancelled or postponed due to the lack of sufficient enrollment. If any scheduled class is missed, hours will be made up under the discretion of the instructors at a scheduled make-up day or on the next scheduled class. Dates and times may be adjusted if we experience inclement weather or at the discretion of the instructor(s).